[PC] H: apparel and odds and ends W: glowing Bigfoot at Fallout76Marketplace on Reddit

Rng is killing me same with the blue devil -.- so I’ll trade some or all for it.


Cranberry bog 2 8k Cranberry bog 3 2.7k

Mire #1 501. Toxic valley #1 800

Bobble heads

Leader 4215


110k fuel. 50k ultracite plasma cartridges


White responders helmet and uniform

Asylum forest hat and dress

Asylum red hat and dress

Asylum yellow dress

Fasnacht crazy guy mask

Urban scout mask

Forest scout mask

White powder jumpsuit

Tattered field jacket

Random box mods

Enclave plasma gun stabilized automatic barrel

Gatling plasma flamer barrel

Gatling plasma stinging core receptacle


Assassins Medics Vampires


Heavy hitters Rapid 2 Vats enhanced

Powered 5


Pack rats 2 Durability 7 Swift 5 Sentinels 2

Able to make

9 more powered 11 explosive 5 arms keepers

5 belted

submitted by /u/Sea-Seaweed-2054
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