[PS4] H: 1 cap plan sale W: you to come take a look! at Fallout76Marketplace on Reddit

Post is quite late today as i had errands to run. Have loaded up a mule with all the excess plans i have. I have plans ranging from world drop to event drop. Please do only take what you need, the whole point of this is to distribute plans that people don’t know. If you have any unwanted plans that you just don’t want to hold, feel free to donate them to the mule as other are always in need of plans 😁 only if you want to, it is not compulsory to make any sort of donation. Please comment before adding me, if you add me without commenting I’ll assume it isn’t for this and won’t make an effort to chase after you. Happy Fasnacht everyone!

submitted by /u/DOOMLANDER47_I
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