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Custom Fallout 76 Mods & Tweaks

Mods for Fallout 76

I created this mod using the pricing details used here on NukaTrader, so that you can easily see price values for higher valued items directly in game. This has been extremely helpful to me over the past few months and finally decided to release it on Nexus Mods. Please visit our page there for detailed instructions and to download the required files.


Tweaks for Fallout 76

USE THIS RESPONSIBLY: As with most good things in life, too much of a good thing ends up making it bad. If I see players abusing this excessively or causing issues, I’ll just take it down and never share stuff like this ever again. This content is only for registered users for a reason.


The faster fire glitch has been out for some time now on the Gatling gun. Since it seems pretty popular, I decided to make a script that would automate the process and make things much more efficient. In order to utilize this script, you’ll need to download AutoHotKey, which is an automation scripting engine. Once you have this installed, download the following script and double click on it to load it: Download Script

How to Use

To try and make things easier, I’ve added a hotkey binding so that you can engage/disengage the script by pressing F12 on your keyboard. Once you’ve engaged the script, all you have to do is press the left mouse button as you normally would. No more having to hold down a button and awkwardly trying to click the other one quickly. Not only will your accuracy go up significantly from using this, but you’ll also get close to the max possible fire rate for the gatling gun. As stated above, please use this responsibly. If you don’t think you can do that, then don’t use it. Simple. Lastly, if someone asks where you got this you didn’t get it from me. I don’t even know what you’re talking about, Hacker.

USE THIS RESPONSIBLY: As with most good things in life, too much of a good thing ends up making it bad. If I see players abusing this excessively or causing issues, I’ll just take it down and never share stuff like this ever again. This content is only for registered users for a reason.


This was a fun side project that I originally made in attempts of taming the railway rifle for use outside of VATS in automatic fire mode. Due to how effective it was, I decided to expand on it and have made the compensation intensity easily adjustable through a custom menu that will display when you load the script. This makes it easy to adjust on the fly depending on which weapon you’re using. In order to use this script, you’ll need AutoHotKey installed which is an automation scripting engine. Once installed, download the custom script here and double click the .ahk file to load it.

How to Use

This script was made to be as versatile as possible, allowing you to easily change the hotkey toggle as well as the compensation intensity without having to mess with any scripting edits. Once you’ve loaded the script, you should see a GUI menu pop up that looks like this:

To select a custom hotkey for toggling this script on and off, click on the box next to Hotkey and press the button you’d like to use. The default is F11. Once you’ve clicked off the box, you should be able to see the check box next to Toggle Script engaging and disengaging when the assigned button is pressed. Intensity is the intensity of the compensation, with most guns seeming to be around 0.5 to 1. Below are some values that worked for me on various weapons:

Once you’ve set everything, be sure to click Apply Changes and switch back to your Fallout 76 window. Note that you do NOT have to be in windowed mode for this to work. It works just as fine in full screen. Additionally, you can use this with just about any FPS game on PC.

Lastly, if someone asks where you got this from you tell them you acquired it from Big Bird, not me. I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Oh, but you should still tell them to visit for all their Fallout 76 item valuation needs. Unrelated to you being a hacker of course. Unbelievable.