H: Entire junk bundle W: 4k leaders or 2 leather coats can be split in half for 1 LC or 2k leaders at Market76

400k steel, 100k lead, 100k plastic, 100k aluminum, 100k copper, 100k nuke waste, 100k adhesive, 50k rubber, 50k cloth, 50k acid, 50k wood, 25k oil, 25k springs, 25k gears, 25k screws, 25k fertilizer, 25k concrete, 25k silver, 25k ceramic, 25k leather, 25k glass, 10k gold, 10k circuits, 10k bone, 10k antiseptic, 1k of each flux, 5k ultracite, 5k black titanium, 5k fibre optics, 5k ballistic fibre, 5k asbestos,

submitted by /u/ShepRyan
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