H: trades (list below) W: Offers or items off wish list at Market76


Fasnacht new glowing masks

Rare apparel

Rare masks

Leader bobbleheads

Science bobbleheads

Pleasant Valley claim tickets

No cap offers please. I’m all maxed out on caps.


COMPLETE TRADE LIST: (Thank you for your time browsing my list)


AA/SS/3S Deathclaw Gauntlet

B/E/90 50cal

B/SS/3S Deathclaw Gauntlet

B/E/15r Gatling Laser

B/SS/3S Power Fist

B/25/15r Flamer

B/25/90 Ultracite Gatling Laser

Fancy Single Action Revolvers (Assassin’s, Ghoul Slayer’s, Vampire’s)

Junk/50c/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle (aligned automatic barrel, stabilized stock, reflex sight)

N/50c/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle (aligned automatic barrel, stabilized stock, reflex sight)

Q/E/15r Gatling Laser

Q/50L/15r Pepper Shaker

Q/AP/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle (aligned automatic barrel, stabilized stock, reflex sight)

Q/50c/25 Railway Rifle

Q/50c/25 Tesla

Q/25/25 Tesla

Q/25/90 Tesla

Q/25A/15r Tesla

TS/25/25 Fixer

TS/50c/25 Fixer

TS/E/25 Fixer

V/SS/3S Deathclaw Gauntlet

V/E/15r Gatling Plasma


Stalker’s SS/3S melee: Bowie Knife,,, Chinese Officer Sword,,, Cultist Dagger,,, Guitar Sword,,, Revolutionary Sword,,, Walking Cane

The Fact Finder level 5


Ass/AP/Sen FSA left arm

Ass/AP/Sen USA right arm

Bol/AP/WWR CE chest

Bol/Hardy/WWR CE left arm

Bol/AP/WWR CE right arm

Bol/AP/Sen FSA left arm

Bol/AP/Sen FSA left leg

Bol/AP/Sen FSA right arm

Cham/AP/WWR USA chest

Ext/AP/Sen CE chest

Ext/AP/Sen FSA right arm

Ext/AP/Sen USA chest

H/AP/Sen CE chest

LS/AP/Sen FSA chest

LS/AP/Sen USA right arm

MS/AP/Sen FSA right leg

MS/AP/Sen USA chest

MS/AP/Sen USA left arm

OE/AP/Sen Heavy Metal right leg

OE/AP/Sen Marine left arm

OE/AP/Sen Ultracite right arm

OE/AP/Sen USA chest

Reg/AP/Sen CE chest

Reg/AP/Sen FSA right arm

Troub/AP/Sen CE right arm

Uny/Hazmat/Sen CE left arm (2)

Uny/Poison/Sen CE left arm

Uny/Hardy/Sen FSA left arm

Uny/Warming/Sen FSA left leg

Uny/AP/WWR FSA right arm

Uny/2S/FDC Marine left arm

Uny/AP/FDC Marine left leg

Uny/AP/WWR Trapper chest

Uny/Poison/Sen USA chest

Uny/AP/Sen USA left arm

Uny/Warming/WWR USA left arm

Uny/Poison/Sen USA left leg

Uny/Warming/WWR USA right arm

Uny/AP/Cav USA right leg

Uny/AP/Sen Wood right arm

Van/AP/Sen CE left leg

Van/AP/Sen USA left arm

W/AP/Sen CE chest

Z/AP/Sen CE right arm

Z/AP/Sen FSA left arm

Z/AP/Sen USA chest

Z/AP/Sen USA left arm (2)


Asylum Uniform blue

Asylum Uniform forest

Asylum Uniform pink x10

Asylum Uniform yellow x3

Bear Gas mask

Bomber jacket

BOS jumpsuit x6

Chally the Moo-Moo mask

Chally the Moo-Moo outfit

Clean spacesuit

Clean spacesuit helmet

Deathclaw Hunter hat

Deathclaw Hunter outfit

Emmett Mountain hazmat suit

Fasnacht Brahmin mask x7

Fasnacht Buffoon mask x5

Fasnacht Crazy Guy mask x7

Fasnacht Deathclaw mask x8

Fasnacht Demon mask x4

Fasnacht Fiend mask x7

Fasnacht Glowing Blue Devil x2

Fasnacht Glowing Honey Bee x2

Fasnacht Glowing Scorchbeast Queen

Fasnacht Glowing Turkey x2

Fasnacht Glowing Unicorn x3

Fasnacht Hag mask x3

Fasnacht Loon mask x3

Fasnacht Raven mask x3

Fasnacht Winter Man mask x4

Fireman Uniform

Forest Scout Armor mask

Garrahan Foreman helmet

Garrahan Foreman outfit

Gazelle gas mask

Grafton Monster mask

Green hood

Grey Fisherman’s overalls

Hunter’s Long coat

Imposter Sheepsquatch helmet

Imposter Sheepsquatch outfit

Jack O’Lantern pant suit

Jack O’Lantern short suit

Jaguar pant suit

Longshoreman outfit

Pirate costume

Pirate costume hat

Reclaimed deep mining gas mask

Rooster gas mask

Skiing red and green outfit

Skull Lord Blood Eagle helmet

Skull Lord Blood Eagle suit

Soiled Mr Fuzzy mascot head

Soiled Mr Fuzzy mascot suit

Straight jacket clean

Strongman outfit

Tin foil hat

Tulip sky blue pant suit

Urban Scout Armor mask

White Powder jumpsuit x4

Whitespring jumpsuit

Winter jacket and jeans


Addictol: 278,,, Berry Mentats: 2194,,, Buffout: 2338,,, Calmex: 1452,,, Daddy-O: 2023,,, Day Tripper: 1776,,, Disease Cure: 588,,, Mentats: 4952,,, Overdrive: 523,,, Psycho: 4535,,, Psychobuff: 8499,,, Psychotats: 2512,,, X-Cell: 332


Canned coffee: 311,,, Canned meat stew: 75,,, Pepper: 1855,,, Salt: 3468,,, Spices: 1926,,, Sugar Bombs(w/rads): 693


I’ve been playing since Nov 2018 so I have thousands of plans. Just let me know what you’re looking for or you are always welcome to browse my plan mule. Here is the list of some of the rare plans that I have:

Boxing Glove Lead Lining

Dense Marine Armor torso

Dense Trapper Armor torso

Flanner Shirt and Jeans

Machete Sacrificial Blade

Shielded Lining Casual Underarmor

T-60 BOS Knight Paint

Ultracite Emergency Protocols

Undershirt and Jeans

Formula P recipe plan


Aligned short barrel

Aligned sniper barrel (3)

Aligned splitter (3)

Bruising grip

Comfort stock

Precise stock (2)

Refined beta wave tuner (3)

Reflex sight (2)

Stabilized automatic barrel (3)

Stabilized flamer barrel (2)

Stabilized sniper barrel

True automatic barrel (2)

True capacitor (5)

True flamer barrel (2)

True sniper barrel (3)

True splitter (2)

Vicious capacitor (2)


*Anti-armor (17)

*Aristocrat’s (19)

*Assassin’s (19)

*Auto Stim (11)

*Beserker’s (27)

*Bloodied (24)

*Bolstering (20)

*Chameleon (26)

*Cloaking (14)

*Executioner’s (22)

*Exterminator’s (11)

*Furious (9)

*Ghoul Slayer’s (13)

*Gourmand’s (18)

*Hunter’s (17)

*Instigating (17)

*Juggernaut’s (35)

*Junkie’s (31)

*Life saving (17)

*Medic’s (14)

*Mutant Slayer’s (21)

*Mutant’s (21)

*Nocturnal (30)

*Overeater’s (13)

*Quad (12)

*Regenerating (13)

*Stalker’s (17)

*Suppressor’s (23)

*Troubleshooter’s (28)

*Two Shot (19)

*Unyielding (21)

*Vampire’s (10)

*Vanguard’s (15)

*Weightless (10)

*Zealot’s (18)

**Agility (34)

**Antiseptic (28)

**Basher’s (22)

**Charisma (20)

**Crippling (32)

**Endurance (39)

**Explosive (13)

**Fireproof (32)

**Glutton (26)

**Hardy (29)

**Hazmat (32)

**Heavy Hitter’s (8)

**Hitman’s (28)

**Inertial (28)

**Intelligence (17)

**Last Shot (33)

**Luck (30)

**Perception (28)

**Poisoner’s (41)

**Powered (17)

**Rapid (44)

**Riposting (25)

**Steady (23)

**Strength (18)

**VATS Enhanced (17)

**Vital (31)

**Warming (33)

***Acrobat’s (12)

***Adamantium (9)

***Agility (20)

***Arms Keeper’s (7)

***Belted (19)

***Burning (12)

***Cavalier’s (8)

***Charisma (17)

***Defender’s (21)

***Dissipating (7)

***Diver’s (8)

***Doctor’s (10)

***Durability (15)

***Electrified (17)

***Endurance (13)

***Frozen (18)

***Ghost’s (15)

***Intelligence (13)

***Lightweight (2)

***Luck (14)

***Lucky (13)

***Nimble (5)

***Pack Rat’s (9)

***Perception (17)

***Resilient (23)

***Safecracker’s (9)

***Secret Agent’s (14)

***Sentinel’s (11)

***Steadfast (19)

***Strength (6)

***Swift (10)

***Thru-hiker’s (13)

***Toxic (13)

***VATS Optimized (23)

****Aegis (8)

****Battle-Loader’s (6)

****Bruiser’s (13)

****Bully’s (11)

****Choo-Choo’s (4)

****Combo-Breaker’s (12)

****Conductor’s (8)

****Electrician’s (6)

****Encircler’s (4)

****Fencer’s (6)

****Fracturer’s (11)

****Icemen’s (8)

****Limit-Breaking (4)

****Miasma’s (8)

****Pin-Pointer’s (5)

****Polished (3)

****Pounder’s (3)

****Propelling (11)

****Pyromaniac’s (2)

****Radioactive Powered (3)


****Rejuvenator’s (8)

****Runner’s (10)


****Scanner’s (6)

****Stabilizer’s (9)

****Stalwart’s (8)

****Tanky’s (9)

****Viper’s (15)

submitted by /u/KiraWinchester
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