[PC] H: Mods & Apparel W: Leaders/LL8/TS7/BW4 at Fallout76Marketplace on Reddit

Let me know how many you want as I do have more, but don’t want to list them all.

50 leaders – Bloodied x5, OE x5,

75 leaders – Endurance x7 Intelligence x11 Rapid x5, powered x5, luck x8

100 leaders – Bully Choo Choo, Combo breaker, Fencer Fracturer Iceman Misamas Radioactive-powered Runners Propelling Stabilizer Viper

200 leaders – Aegis Bruiser Conductor Limitbreaker sawbones Tanky Scanner Pyromanics Polished Pounder

300 leaders – Ranger, Reflect, Pinpointer Rejuve

Apparel 450 Leaders each or whole set 4k leaders :

glowing alien glowing blue devil glowing honey bee x2 glowing minotaur glowing pig glowing scorchbeast glowing SBQ glowing turkey x2 glowing unicorn x2

Plans: Full set V63 plan for 100 leaders

submitted by /u/snappzero
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