Category: Fallout76Marketplace (Xbox)

Jan 20
[Xb1] H: 35k caps W: masks not glowing at Fallout76Marketplace on Reddit

Looking for any rare masks I already have pig and minotaur 🙂 rach2310#8504 submitted…

Jan 20
[Xb1] H: cherry paddle W: 3.5k leaders at Fallout76Marketplace on Reddit

Will accept 3k leaders + add worth 500 leaders submitted by /u/BlueLime639 [link]…

Jan 20
[XB1] H: A Long List(-canned meat stew)W: Items In Desscription at Fallout76Marketplace on Reddit

Leaders, LL8, Apparel, Reflective Mod x2, Rare Plushie Plans, Ballistic Fiber Scrap,…