Category: Market76 (PC)

May 14
W: Uny/ap/cav Marine armor set H: Flux at Market76

submitted by /u/babookluke [link] [comments]

May 14
H: Hazmat Suit- Teal W:Caps/trade at Market76

submitted by /u/Which-South-3771 [link] [comments]

May 14
H: Rarer Plans You May Want W: Caps/Offers at Market76

submitted by /u/KeyboardSwordsman [link] [comments]

May 14
H: 30k cap budget W: Bulk flux at Market76

Even mix of all flux for as cheap as possible. Optimistically shooting for 15c each.…

May 14
H: Caps, Prime Combat Rifle Receiver Plan, Prime single action revolver plan W: Prime Gatling gun Plan at Market76

Just looking for that Gatling gun Plan submitted by /u/TheFlamingBunnies [link] [comments]

May 14
H: Caps W: Ultracite targeting HUD plan at Market76

submitted by /u/Black_Knight_1962 [link] [comments]

May 14
W: bloodied groll enclave plasma rifle H: ll3 and a couple bloodied weapons at Market76

I have a bloodied, 50% limb damage, breaks 50% slower short flamer and a bloodied, 25%…