Category: PC

May 16
H: caps W: bird bones serum at Market76

Have caps and want the bird bones serum. submitted by /u/AgreeableAd1182 [link] [comments]

May 16
W: enclave flamer mod H: caps at Market76

Bloodied enclave flamers or bloodied plasma rifles also wanted. submitted by…

May 16
H: Alien Disintegrators W: Commando vats offers at Market76

Q-E-25, AA-E-25, B-E-25 is what I’m mainly after…

May 16
WTT H:B50c25 handmade W: B50c25 10mm smg + small add at Market76

add can be something like L&L3s or small weapons bobbles submitted by…

May 16
H: Caps/100 Berry Mentats W: Quad Railway at Market76

Could grab an extra 100 Berry Mentats if need be. submitted by /u/MylesThe_One [link]…

May 16
W: OE/Any/FWR Excavator any piece H: ll3, Bobbleheads etc at Market76

Let me know what you want submitted by /u/Grand_Conversation35 [link] [comments]

May 16
H: These weapons W: any offer looking for a bloodied handmade tho at Market76

Just send me an offer on discord mind is perc20 looking for a bloodied handmade or…

May 16
H: B/FFR/GHO Holy Fire || W: AA/FFR Holy Fire at Market76

Will request a courier so both parties feel safe. The 3rd mod on the AA/FFR Holy Fire…