W: Plans H: caps/mods 1-4/plans at Market76

Looking to complete my characters plan log. Have plans from EVERY event, tons of loose box mods and of course good ol fashioned caps. Sorry no leaders to trade.

Star ballons x4

Platstiform Santa x 2

Platstiform nutcracker x3

Platstiform star red x2

Platstiform star blue

Platstiform star yellow

Platstiform ornaments green x2

Platstiform candy cane red x2

Honeycomb ghost

Honeycomb jack o lantern

Honeycomb ribbon bell

Honeycomb spider

Honeycomb ghost

Open sign

Animatronic clown x2

Large ulracite shard

Storm Goliath figure

Goliath leg monument

Moth display cabinet x2

All pumpkin carving plans and stands

submitted by /u/Beeejum
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